Wednesday, 19 May 2010

An Etsy highlight!

Good morning everyone!

This sun is shining brightly here! But this IS Britain so it will probably be cloudy within the hour XD

So today is Wednesday and that makes it an Etsy day! I covered Egypt last week with the Ra shower curtain, and the week before that we had the Greek alphabet blocks, so this week I am going to go with something Roman! In this case a "Brass Roman Leaf Branch Bracelet".


This bracelet is absolutely gorgeous. It features a set of leaves in brass, surrounded by pearls (you can pick your pearl colour). As soon as I saw it I thought of the laurel leaf crowns that the Roman emperors wore, and while I don’t know if that was threebirddesigns’ intention, her title “Brass Roman Leaf Branch Bracelet” suggests there may have been a little ancient inspiration in this design :D


  1. Beautiful bracelet, and you are right - it does resemble the leaf crowns from the Roman Emperor times! Very pretty selection!!
