Monday, 7 June 2010

Zazzle Monday!

It’s just another manic Monday. I wish I could do the rest of this blog entry with song lyric references but I can’t, not without sounding a bit weird. Maybe I’ll try in the future XD

So on this lovely Monday, the first Monday in June, I am bringing to you something relating to ancient Egypt. As is probably evident from my previous blog posts, I love it when people use the ancient world to make a joke, or make at joke at the expense of the ancient world. Basically I just like laughing.

This week we have got a cartoon on a t-shirt!

Yes, I laughed, and I know you did as well! While the Egyptians were excellent builders and they came up with some really good mathematical stuff, you have to wonder if they made the occasional mistake while building some of their awesome monuments. I found this t-shirt in the shop of mayc00p, she’s got some great cartoons in her shop, and the same one in that shirt can also be found on a mug (in case you don’t want it on a t-shirt but still find it funny!).

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